Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Give Your All For God

There are times in our life when we feel under extreme pressures. Do you ever feel so? Sometimes there are stressors, tasks, and responsibilities in life that we feel we can't get rid of, we are overburdened with them, and there is less or no time left to prepare for service to God.

One pastor, after a hectic week full of sermons and invitations, did not have sufficient time even to prepare notes for his sermons itself. On the next Sunday morning as he walked to his pulpit, he didn’t have enough notes in his hand. He felt guilty. He felt like the Lord asking him, “Is this the best you have done for me?” He replied honestly, “Yes Lord, this is what is my best”. He told a friend later that Jesus took that ill-prepared piece of work in His hands “it became a trumpet” to his congregation.

Same was St. Paul’s motivation to the Thessalonians: “give your all for God”-- 1 Thessalonians 5:14-22. They were to exhort, warn, comfort, rejoice, pray, and express their gratitude to God—among other things.

We too should always do our best in our life and service. But when pressure times come and we really don’t have the time we feel we need, we should do the best we can and then prayerfully trust God’s faithfulness. 1 Thessalonians 5: 24. We feel guilty, but God knows what exactly is in our heart.

Give of your best to the master;

Naught else is worthy His love;

He gave Himself for your ransom,

Gave up His glory above:

Laid down His life without murmur.

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